Monday, October 3, 2016

Kiss My Aphorisms

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"

could not be wronger:
Constant lies, rip-offs and being cheated
wears us down til we're defeated


"Everything happens for a reason"

Some folks call it mystery
what prevents their succeeding,
and wait on Divine Intervention
for both cause and resolution
of the path they're living

Some folks rely on discovering
for themselves
 the causes of effects unwanted
and for fashioning a solution
and options for prevention
and if necessary, protection


"Just Be Yourself"

Leaves unsaid too many
unacknowledged caveats,
for example: 

unless your norms differ
from your company 
or irritate authority
or attract suspicion
or engender derision 
or precede rejection
or violence on your person
or damage in your profession
or deny you safety options
during plague or conflagration
or generally piss off
the meanest dowager queen
of everything that stalks
